Wednesday, June 10, 2015

There are things that we humans can't really understand.....
For example 
The human soul, existence, angels, demons, the Devil and God 
I don't know if we just don't understand the concept or it's not meant for us to understand it
The human nature develops but the needs are the same 
We need air to breath, we need family to feel safe, we need a home to feel like we belong, we need friends so we don't feel so alone in this world, we need to dream to create, we need acceptance to not to feel trivial, we need music to feed our souls, we need faith to believe in a better tomorrow, we need hope to keep on living, we need evil to have a reason to fight and we need God so we don't end up slaughtering each other 
Over the millenniums our nature developed to serve only one need
"The self" ignoring all the other needs and at the end of each day we ask ourselves one question
"what is wrong with us?"
Some have found happiness in loneliness and some found pleasure in blood shed 
Wars without purpose, the hypocrisy of our so called leaders, crafting a religion making yourself into a God and people will follow you into the depths of inevitable damnation because humans like to believe into what they don't understand 
The function of the brain is now limited to serve the self and only the self 
We forgot that we belong to each other
We forgot the post 
We forgot the purpose 
But despite all the ignorance and all the hatred some still believe that there are still faint glimmers of humanity left is this barbaric slaughter house we live in where animals can show more human actions than us 
Its all up to us we are the ones who write how our story ends 
Armageddon is already here and it dwells within us
Will our small infinity end serving only the self?
Or will we end as humans?   

Friday, May 9, 2014

The perfect lie

Denial is a part of every human's life........
it's something that you can't control  because sometimes denial  is how we avoid the painful truth
no one wants to get hurt
no one likes the truth
pain isn't something anyone is looking for but it happens to you no matter what you do
pain happens for many things but it's mostly when you care about someone
it's like the universe  knows that someone is really special for you and the universe doesn't like that at all
so the universe turns on you because you're happy and it doesn't like it
and just like that you life turns into a mess
so there comes the pain along with depression and suffering
but its not something you can actually control when you're sad you're gonna stay sad until you figure things out with yourself
no one can control their sadness but they do control how they deal with it
denial works pretty well with people
people realize how the truth hurts so they deny it's existence in the hopes of this being just bad dream
till now people still have hope in a better tomorrow that somehow you're not going to lose someone you love or anything that would make them happy
as i said no one likes pain but it's here any ways.

Denial is a blessing 
Denial is a perfect lie 

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Do you ever stare at the mirror for a long time?
Actually it scares the hell out of me because it could be the scariest thing ever
I don't like the idea of staring at my self for a long time because i don't want to stare at everything that i hate in my self because i already hate my self as it is
The scary thing about mirrors is that its a reflection of everything you hate about yourself and by everything i do mean everything
You start seeing what you really are, what you hate about your face, your body and even whats inside of you
But imagine being a mirror, how do you think that would be?
If staring at a mirror for a while makes you see what you hate about yourself
Then being a mirror makes you see what people hate about themselves
Is that a good thing?
To see every single thing that people hate about themselves and how truly screwed up they are
Will you hate them?
Or just be happy that you're not the most screwed up person in the world?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's far away

The story so far

Hasn't begun from the start

And it's end is so far, so far away from the start

A story where you and me live happily forever indeed

So far from our past, so far into our dreams

So far as you wish it should be

Where no pain and sorrow no we won't feel

So far away to a place where your voice is all what I can hear

So far away my dear

So far away where nothing could disturb our dreams

It's a beautiful place

Where you and me live happily forever indeed

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wise ass.....

People do stupid things, They don't have to spend the rest of their lives regretting it
We are human beings.........
Its in our blood to make stupid things
It's what makes us humans, choosing between various options crafting our own future
probably predicting it based on our actions
I myself wouldn't call them stupid, I'd call them emotional actions
Because you always follow your heart and not your brain
In the purpose of satisfying yourself  or even someone else
Which is not rational because you should make your needs at first satisfying your  needs and making your dreams come true
On the other side most of the people just care more about other people then their very own self
In the hopes that this other person might grant them happiness by the simplest expressions they make on their faces
They  have that much of trust in other people that they might do the same to them
It's emotional, you don't always think about the worst that could happen
For example, you'll always get the girl you love flowers and chocolate every day if you could and you work so hard on making her happy ignoring that fact that it might never last forever as you were imagining
 You just get your hopes and expectations so high thinking that this person might never disappoint you in any possible way
But from experience, it always happens, by time we learn that the closest people are always the ones who get your heart broken in pieces and in result you're the one who's cursing god for the day you were born crying yourself to death etc...
And here i wonder and ask myself this question
"are humans that stupid?"
We make the same mistake over and over again knowing that the possibility  of getting screwed up again does exist and we don't always learn from our mistakes
We just wonder in this huge world searching for what we call "The one"
the shining light in your darkest days, the one whos gonna alway be there when you call for help, your best friend, your soul mate and your love
Is that something worth breaking your heart for?
Over and over until you find the perfect match to your puzzle?
Some people are worth melting for and without pain we wouldn't know the meaning of joy
But as i said stupid things is what makes us humans
In both ways you'll get your heart broken and you'll break hearts
You're gonna make enemies and make new friends
You're going to love and hate
You're going to laugh out loud and cry yourself to sleep
This is how its been and how its always gonna be
Because we are humans
And we are just as fucked up as we could ever be

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Days with her. (3)

Day one hundred and eighty two......

of course there were ups and downs 
i got depressed so many times 
but what always kept me going was that spark 
i mean i was that lucky to get close to her,
why wouldn't i be a little more luckier and somehow we might end up together 
i knew that i was day dreaming again 
but i was happy 
then i made a promise that i couldn't keep
i thought that luck was on my side 
i did every thing that i could possibly do 
but ehh simply it wasn't enough 
i felt weak and miserable
that i could never make happy or that she hates me now 
it was a rough day for me
i just wanted to make her happy thats all 
that would've made me happy
but i guess god doesn't want me near happy........
for now i hope  
and that was day one hundred and eighty two...

One more kiss.....

Just one more kiss before i say goodbye ?

It's the last thing I'd do before i say goodbye 

So hold me tight in your arms, as the tears fall straight from my eyes  

Is it over yet? Are you just passing by?

How i feel when my eye meets your eye 

Wishing that someday you would be mine

But you were never mine

It's the truth that i keep inside a lie 

You found a heart and I lost mine

Maybe it's the truth i want to deny ?

Or is it just the perfect lie

Do i have to remember who am I ?

A lonely soul, begging for mercy asking God why?

Do i have to live this life with this aching heart of mine 

Will i ever die ?

Or is it just an endless torture to this broken soul of mine

I'll just sleep and dream of a better day, it's a truth that i can't deny 

I just want the sun to rise and your face to shine 

On this misery of mine